Monday, November 11, 2013

Thesis Proposal

I have struggled greatly over the past semester to nail down my thesis.  I believe that this has been so challenging because I want to make art about a large plethora of topics, not just one.  However, I just may hove found the one topic that I can grow and build upon for the remainder of the year while remaining true to my passions and interests. I present to you, my thesis proposal.

Through extensive studies of the human figure and facial structure, I have developed a strong interest in using the face and body as a canvas and tool for interpretation and suggestion. As a sculptor, I use mediums such as plaster, clay and metal to add to the repertoire of the human figure in the art world.  Since my interest in makeup escalated and my plans to pursue a career as a makeup artist, my attention has turned to the character that can be brought forth from the human figure with the use of visual allusions created by makeup.  I want to bring my audience into a narrative that they can relate to in some way but still be removed at the same time.  As human beings, we emote and force the understanding of our own personality traits and features onto fictional beings in the simplest desire of creating something new but still familiar.  As a sculptor, I want to take fabricated characters from the imaginations of others and myself, bring them into existence and put them before an audience, forcing them to come face to face with a being that is foreign yet known. 
I have researched ancient mythology, current fantasy novels and contemporary artists that focus on narratives in their art.  Throughout history, people have imagined creatures that combine features of a human being with animals or other fictitious beings to create an entirely new creature.  The number and variety of these beings fascinate me; Examples include the sphinx, the centaur, angels, and the satyr, to name a few.  Fictional characters with mixed human qualities have existed since ancient times, often in myths or have served as deities.  The Egyptians worshiped multiple gods that were depicted as humans morphed with animals.  As a culture, we even personify objects to have human characteristics.  Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
is the greatest example of lifeless objects being given a face with a personality and the freedom to move about as humans do. 
To prepare for the projects that will be born from this concept, I have been experimenting with various mediums and tools.  Each character will be life size; therefore, I must consider the weight of the materials I use.  I plan to use materials in unconventional ways, such as hollow plaster.  This is a process I have already used for my sculpture Lay In My Body.  I am currently invested in using wax and plaster dipped paper cranes.  These cranes will be adhered to one another to form the body of a creature conjured from my own imagination based on a character that represents war in the Wicked Lovely book series written by Melissa Marr.  This creature will have an altered human body with a concave torso, a beak and will consist of nine hundred and ninety-nine paper cranes.  In the hollow of her torso, will rest the skeleton of a baby bird.  For now, I am titling this piece as Aves, which is the scientific word for bird.  Aves will rest on a bed made to look like the bed of a person but will be made up of materials that could be found in a birds nest.  I believe that creating an environment for Aves to exist in will help build the narrative and invite my audience in.  An artist that I found inspiration from for my current sculpture project is American sculptor Petah Coyne.  Coyne uses taxidermy birds and wax among other materials in her sculptures.  I coincidentally discovered her work after I began designing Aves.
I believe that people have invented these imaginary beings to be symbolic in nature.  For example, Marr’s character that represents war is a woman with a face that is combined with a raven’s, the bird that symbolizes ill omens or death.  I want Aves and the other characters that I create to be symbolic in nature.  My goal is for the audience to see the narrative and interpret the 
metaphors and morals within, much like Greek mythology where each myth contains at least one principle that was significant to their culture. 
To be true to my original focus of the human figure, I will ensure that each character’s human traits are very present in their make up.  This is my attempt at merging theater with fine art, by setting the stage and building a character with the main goal of telling a story.  I understand that my focus has shifted from the fragility of human life, as I stated in my fall research statement.  However, I still maintain that the basic subject will remain the human figure as I had originally intended for my senior thesis.  

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